

A webserver
Currently this has only been tested on Apache 1 & 2.
Currently requires PHP 4.1 or higher.
You need a MySQL database, version 4.0 or higher.
ImageMagick (optional)
ImageMagick is a command-line image manipulation program suite. rBook uses it to generate to resize images submitted for recipes. Without ImageMagick, you cannot add pictures to recipes.
rBook is packaged with PEAR DB, which provides it's database abstraction.
rBook is packaged with Smarty, which is the templating engine.


The installation builds all the tables and sequences need to run rBook. It also builds out a configuration file needed by rBook that contains the information necessary to connect to the database.

To install the application, download the zip file from sourceforge and unpack it in the root directory or sub-directory of your webserver. If you unpacked it in the rbook subdirectory of your host, goto http://yourhost/rbook/install/.

The following table summarizes the parameters:

Field Description
Installation typeThis value can be either Re-install or Fresh. The only difference is that a Fresh install will drop the existing database if it exists and create a new one, where as re-install assumes the database exists. In both cases, all the tables in the database will be recreated. You can use Re-install if you do not have permission to create a new database.
Database hostThe name or IP address that the database server is running on.
Database nameThe name of the database to install the tables in
Admin userThis is the database user that has permissions to create the database and tables. If you chose re-install this user only has to have permission to create tables
Database userThe user that the application will use to access data in the database. This user will be granted update,select,delete,insert rights if it does not exist. If this is left blank, the admin user will be used to access the database.
TitleThe title is the text that is displayed in the banner at the top of each page
Base URLThis is the subdirectory off of the main website where rbook is installed. For instance, if you specify the URL: http://yourhost/rbook to reach this application, then this value should be /rbook/. If you installed rbook in the top-level directory of your webserver, then this should just be /.
Initial UserThe installation installs an initial user into the application. This field specifies that user's name.
Initial emailThe email address of the initial user.

After you click submit on this page, and assuming the installation went successful, you should be taken to a success page. If the installation was unable to write out the configuration file, it will display the contents of the configuration file on this page for you to copy-and-paste into the config.php file on your local server. You will also have to make sure that the templates_c directory is writeable from your webserver.

If you get a Server error or rBook will not come up when you hit your top-level directory, you may need to configure your RewriteBase configuration parameter in your .htaccess file. This should be pointing to the top-level URI of your application.